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Date : 2018-02-12

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Beyond Space Beyond Matter Science in Nasadiya and ~ The thoroughness of the subject matter in the text makes it a reference material for a student of modern psychology The book Beyond Space Beyond Matter establishes the parallels between Vedic cosmology and Modern cosmology and thereby it highligts the important missing link related to consciousness in the latter

Could one explain the Nasadiya Sukta of the Rig Veda Is ~ Veda is sung by God he has proclaimed his own glory in vedas it is not manmade it is God’s own affidavit for men Veda is titled the Nasadiya Sukta and is also known as the Creation Hymn Na asat which is the root of the word Nasadiya means ‘not the nonexistent’ Rig Veda says God is formless Arya Samaj followers accept only Onkaar

nAsadIya sUktaM Hymn of creation ~ The Nasadiya Suktam is so much consistent even if metaphorically with the current quantum cosmology hypothesisspeculations on what happened at time zero Scientific theories themselves have not gotten to that time zero yet though theories of what happened very very shortly afterwords exist

Ajit Vadakayil NASADIYA SUKTA RIG VEDA 5000 BC ~ CREATION OF THE UNIVERSE AS PER VEDAS RIG VEDA 10129 NASADIYA MEANING NOT THE NON EXISTENT CAPT AJIT VADAKAYIL To her whose feet are washed by the ocean who wears the Himalayas as her crown and is adorned with the gems of rishis and kings to Mother India do I bow down in respect

LOUD THINKING NASADIYA SUKTHA AND PURUSHA SUKTHA CREATION ~ The Supreme Being created space and time first The vibrations set up in space and time condensed themselves into the potentials of the wouldbe five gross elements called space— akasha or sky we may call it—then air fire water and earth These gross elements did not come out suddenly from the vibrations of spacetime

Vedas and metaphysicsmantramusicscience beyond ~ Vedas and metaphysicsmantramusicscience beyond imagination Sanskrit has invented some 17 millions of years ago as a scientific language expressly for passing on Vedic knowledge since the inventors of Sanskrit was well aware that Earth would pass through an Ice Age and pole shift where their Siberian homeland would freeze over

Science of Mantra All World Gayatri Pariwar ~ Science of Mantra Mantra Vigyan as developed by the –Rishis – the Indian sages of yore is a science based on the realization of the omnipotent power of Shabd– the eternal sound The limitless power of Sabda enfolded in the specific compilation of the Vaidika Mantras was deeply realized by the rishis

Beyond Energy Matter Time and Space The New York Times ~ Beyond Energy Matter Time and Space Though he probably didn’t intend anything so jarring Nicolaus Copernicus in a 16thcentury treatise gave rise to the idea that human beings do not occupy a special place in the heavens

What is the Interrelation between TimeSpace and Matter ~ There can be no Spaceno Matter since Space envelops Matter and Physicality Time envelops Space Hence the latter is finite within Time bounded by Time and cannot exist but by Time which is NonMaterial NonPhysical

Origin Of the Universe On Nasadiya Sukta of Rig Veda ~ Poetry is said to be a window with a frame of words and through this window we see beyond time and place Surely these verses awaken the poet in us and make us see far far beyond The beginning and the first moments as described by the big bang theory and the statements from Nasadiya Sukta are given sidebyside for easy comparison


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